This event provides a platform for practitioners in the built environment seeking circularity and interested in connecting with researchers from TU Delft.
In addition to the presentations, the program includes a workshop ‘Lessons from the Manufacturing Industry’ and poster presentations, explained by the PhD students themselves. The afternoon is rounded off with a drink. Plenty of opportunities for making contacts, exchanging ideas and exploring possible collaboration.
This event provides a platform for practitioners in the built environment seeking circularity and interested in connecting with researchers from TU Delft.
In addition to the presentations, the program includes a workshop ‘Lessons from the Manufacturing Industry’ and poster presentations, explained by the PhD students themselves. The afternoon is rounded off with a drink. Plenty of opportunities for making contacts, exchanging ideas and exploring possible collaboration.
Dit project is gefinancierd door het LIFE-programma van de Europese Unie in het kader van subsidieovereenkomst nr. 101077358.
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